Welcome to the New Site!

Welcome, welcome, WELCOME to the new and improved hybrid site where HilarySutton.com meets the HSL Creative BLOG! I'm so excited to finally do all my business in one place. I'm so thrilled with my redesign--can we even call it a redesign? It's a new site. 

I'm stoked and here's why:

1. Reinvention. I started the HSL Creative blog and the last iteration of HilarySutton.com in September of 2013. My career has moved massively since then (Spotco, SNHU, Blogging for Business Workshop, Pursuant, just to name a few) and my consulting and freelance work is totally different than when I started in this game. I need my site to reflect what I do best and what I want to put out into the world. Thus, time for a change. 

2. Clarity. Throughout the journey that was my 20s I knew there were things that I liked and things that I did well and I knew I wanted to do something I liked, that used my brain, that made a little dent in the world. I sifted through a lot to get to where I am now and now I know what I do best and what I have to offer the world and my community. This site shows that: consulting, speaking and writing. Boom. Boom. Boom. I no longer list 18 services like I did at one point. That was ridiculous. This is much more clear and simple. 

3. Singularity. I viewed my old website as just a hub for all things Hilary Sutton online. This was good for me and felt authentic but guess what--it wasn't good for my audience. People who came to the website looking for my acting work were surprised and distracted by my writing and social media work. People who came to the site for my writing and social media work maybe wondered if I was really focused on it and passionate about it or if it was just a backup career in case the acting thing didn't pan out. I have two passions and two identities. And now two different sites. Head over to hilarysutton.me to explore my flair for the dramatic.

Becoming who you want to be in the business and creative world starts with conveying who you are (and want to be) accurately online. That's probably the bottom line here. I want to make a difference through social media, writing and creativity. I do that through strategy, coaching, teaching, speaking and writing. And that's what this website is about. That crystal clear purpose is what gets me out of bed in the morning.

Now tell me--what gets you out of bed in the morning? And please jump in with this pleasant new comment system (thanks squarespace!) below. It's so easy and fun. Get into it! 

(And no need for a HilarySutton.com plug here at the bottom of the post anymore because you're already here! #winning)