How to Make a Job Transition in 2021 with Careers Expert Mark Anthony Dyson

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Mark Anthony Dyson is the Founder of The Voice of Job Seekers. He is a career consultant and career advice writer, and a job seeker advocate who has been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, Inc., Fast Company, LI News LIVE, among other places. His latest eBook is coming soon and it’s called 421 Modern Job Search Tips for 2021. His mission is to hack and reimagine the job search process.

Hustle Hack: If you want to really get serious about finding a new position in 2021 or finding new clients, I want to challenge you to post something helpful every weekday on LinkedIn. Contribute to the community. Contribute to the conversations happening there. Once a day, just show up. Post. Engage. And see what happens. I’ll be doing this! This is the 30-Day LinkedIn Challenge. 

Moment of Grace: “Follow your blisters.” Dan Cable, professor of organizational behavior at London Business School said this in HBR:

“instead of ‘Follow your passion’ or ‘Follow your bliss,’ my bumper-sticker career advice is ‘Follow your blisters. A blister appears when something wears at you – and even chafes you a bit – but you keep getting drawn back to it. The phrase implies something about perseverance and struggling through tasks even though they are not always blissful. “Follow your blisters” makes me ask myself the question, “What kind of work do I find myself coming back to again and again, even when I don’t succeed right away, when it seems like it’s taking too long to make progress, or when I get discouraged?”

So, if you’re looking to find a career that will matter to you, instead of looking only in the direction of “passion,” also think about the activities that you return to — despite the fact that they are harder to complete than things you are more immediately or emotionally drawn to.