My 2020 Technology Manifesto

Toward the end of last year when I was reviewing 2019 and thinking about 2020, I reviewed my relationship with technology. One thing I noticed?

July, the month that I was off of social media, was the happiest month I remember having all year.

Maybe it’s because more good stuff happened that month or maybe it was because I was really mindful and present in my own life without the distraction of social media.

Whatever the case, I know I want to take a break from social media again this July. I think it’s going to be an annual thing for me, part of a summer vacation ritual.

In addition to my social media break, I also read the books Deep Work and Digital Minimalism. Both books advocate for a minimal, measured, disciplined approach to technology. (In fact, their author Cal Newport has never even had a social media account.)

The truth is, I’m a part of a generation that has grown up passively accepting new technology as it was handed to us. But I want to use my agency to decide how and when to use technology, as opposed to just becoming a passive addict of whatever pops up next. I want to strategically use it as a tool to connect with others on my terms. I don’t want it to be something that I use to numb out and combat boredom.

So, I created the 2020 Technology Manifesto originally for myself, because I felt the need to critically think about how I want to go about technology in 2020, but then I realized it could be helpful for others so I put together this printable worksheet.

With some challenging questions to answer, the 2020 Technology Manifesto is a one-pager that helps you flesh out your own thoughtful and measured approach to technology this year. If your use of your smartphone, streaming video, or social media ever bums you out or feels like a huge distraction or time suck, I encourage you to grab your copy of the 2020 Technology Manifesto. Fill it out to reflect your own values and commit to a better, healthier relationship with technology in 2020. 

I’ll be sharing mine, right here on the blog next week. And I’d love to see yours too! Take a picture of it, post it on Instagram with the hashtag #technologymaninfesto, tag me, and you’ll be entered to win a copy of Digital Minimalism.