Personal Brand and Googling Yourself, Great Day Washington Interview

I did my first Zoom interview for TV recently and while of course it was fabulous to do so without even having to put on socks, it felt wildly awkward. It’s very distracting seeing your own reflection when you’re trying to give good answers for an interview! 

I’m looking at the camera.
I’m looking at the interviewer.
I’m looking at my reflection.
My hair is in my eye. Should I move it?
Is it more distracting for the audience if I move it or if for all intents and purposes I look like I’ve only got one eye?

It was a gloriously awkward time from my perspective. I was shocked, shocked, shocked all that weirdness doesn’t acutely translate to the final segment. 

Here’s my interview with Ellen Bryan, of WUSA, the CBS affiliate in the DC metro area discussing building a personal brand.

Are you ready to up your personal branding game? Get a smorgasbord of ideas with the free downloadable 31-Day Personal Brand Challenge PDF!