2022 Mid-Year Goals Check-In

Woman journaling in a notebook with glasses and coffee cup.

July. The January of the second half of the year. 

No? Not how you think of it?

Those fresh calendar dates really are arbitrary. And yet, if this approach works for you, it can be helpful to use them to pause, look back, and assess if you are pleased with the choices you’ve made and the things that have happened in your life. 

July works as a perfect mid-way check-in point to look back on the first half of the year, review goals, plan, and strategize for the second half of the year. In January I usually choose a word for the year and I make it a habit of thinking through what I want the following year to look like. But in the case of the “word for the year” well, I rarely give it a lot of thought beyond the first month. It’s just kind of a fun new year ritual. However, a mid-way check-in can be helpful in not letting our big dreams and ambitions from January fizzle as time passes.

I thought today I’d walk through my own mid-way check-in and include you in the process. Let’s see how it’s gone down.

First: Review

In looking back at my own goals I plotted out for 2022 and what the first half of the year held, I notice a marked difference between the first quarter and the second quarter of the year. 

Maybe it’s because my baby turned one, maybe it’s because we didn’t have a new COVID variant, maybe it’s because we were emerging from winter, whatever the case, I had a whole lot of fun in Q2. I’d argue that I had more fun happening in my life between April and June of this year than I’ve had since 2019. Maybe not a high bar but one I crossed nevertheless. 

I also noticed that the pace of my life as well as the productivity really picked up! I began to think bigger picture and longer term as I made my first hire for HSL Digital. Rachel Day Hughes, my associate, is helping me take on more clients as well as helping me give Hustle & Grace the attention it deserves. 

I also think that Q2 felt more energetic because I got the childcare help I desperately needed back in January. I really saw the payoff of that rhythm by March and especially in April and beyond.

If you are wondering if you should hire the help you need, this is the sign you’ve been looking for.


How It’s Going

I made a 22 for 2022 list of mostly low bar stuff that I really did want to do in 2022. I sort of viewed it more as a “fun” list than a “goals list.” (Need for fun strikes again.) So far I have 11 checked off and I’m on pace to do ok with the rest if I prioritize them. Context: when I made this list I was feeling extremely depleted. That’s why several items in this list are self-care oriented or one-and-done, aka attainable. My margin was nonexistent. But I also knew I’d be more likely to actually do things like “schedule coffee with a friend” if I put it on a list. Thus here is my 22 for 2022: 

  1. Monthly date night (missed January but we’ve kind of made up for it! I counted 7 completed on my calendar by end of June.) 

  2. Read the New Testament 

  3. Have a coffee date with a friend ✔️

  4. Get a massage

  5. Get a manicure

  6. Get a pedicure ✔️

  7. Record a podcast season (or mini season) (It has begun! I’ve recorded a few episodes and it is launching August 16!!)

  8. Increase annual revenue by 20% (On track!)

  9. Finish draft of manuscript (Haven’t touched it yet this year)

  10. See a Broadway show ✔️

  11. Get the girls vaccinated (One shot down, one to go!)

  12. Go to NYC ✔️

  13. Get a nanny ✔️

  14. Join a gym ✔️

  15. Read a parenting book (started Hunt, Gather, Parent but haven’t finished) 

  16. Read a personal development book ✔️ (The 12 Week Year was great.) 

  17. Speak at a conference ✔️(Spoke at Momentum in June and will be at the Digital Summit in DC in August!) 

  18. Get an article published in a high profile publication (Have only done one reach out so far. No dice, but also, not enough effort made yet.) 

  19. Celebrate R’s 1st birthday ✔️

  20. Go on a 10th anniversary trip (this is on the radar for October, but nothing is booked)

  21. Take a H1 (first half of the year) social media break + a H2 (second half of the year) social media break (didn’t exactly remember to schedule this for the first half of the year but am enjoying a break from social this month! Testing out the 80/20 rule.) 

  22. Read a business book ✔️ (The Long Game by Dorie Clark and Principles by Ray Dalio are both excellent.)

  23. Take 6 weeks off work (So far I’ve taken 2.5 weeks off so I need to press the gas on this the second half of the year. I think I can do it.) 

Oops I see now that it’s 23 for 2022 instead of 22. OH WELL! 

As you can see these are things I wanted to prioritize but don’t all necessarily qualify as serious “goals.” I wanted to make a lot of these attainable and easy-ish while also having some good payoff. Everything on the list aligns with my values. There are also some stretch goals in here: relaunch the podcast, finish the book draft, have my highest grossing revenue year yet, etc. That’s plenty right there.

Mid-Year Check-In Assessment

So far, 2022 has been heading in a great direction. More opportunities have come my way than I anticipated. I’m building out the systems, processes, and team needed to grow. I’m more energized and validated in my work than ever before and I’m really beginning to see that anything is possible. On the home front, being a mom is relentless. I still don’t feel like I’ve got “me” time outside of work (which lol work is not ‘me’ time! That’s like saying a shower or brushing your teeth is ‘me’ time!) I’m reminded that the only way to have fun or margin or anything means not only do you have to be proactive, you have to plan. Planning is an essential part of being a parent and having any sort of life outside of parenting. 

I am looking forward to the second half of the year. My parents are moving down the road from us. I love my clients. The new season of the podcast is launching in August. We will be celebrating our 10th anniversary. And many other things that I don’t even know are coming down the pike (ie in January I didn’t know that work would take me to Naples, Orlando, or Nashville in the first half of the year. I also didn’t know it would take me to see Freestyle Love Supreme or John Williams!). I’m feeling more optimistic and energetic than I have in quite some time. Grateful, grateful, grateful for this life. 

Now about those big goals from the 22(3) for 2022 list that are looming…if I really am going to get this book published I have to carve out time to work on the manuscript. If I want a byline in a national publication, I’m going to have to pitch. If I’m going to read the entire New Testament, well, I need to make it a part of my daily routine.

What gets scheduled gets done. What I know for sure is that what doesn’t get scheduled most certainly does not get done.

How bout you? Are you heading down the track you were hoping to at the beginning of the year? Are you starting to feel more energetic about life as the pandemic seemingly becomes less of a big part of our everyday lives? Are you also a really tired mom??

I’d love to hear how it’s all shaking out for you and any tips you have to make sure the second half of the year lines up with your values and goals. Cheering you on always!