3 Lessons from Jumping Into Jeremy Cowart's Creative Process

If you got to step inside the creative process of one of the most talented creatives alive today would you?

If even for a minute?

  • Play a round with John Mayer?

  • Do a cold read with Kate Winslet?

  • Hop in front of Jeremy Cowart’s lens?

That’s what I did this week.

Woman with red hair, Hilary Sutton, smiling and looking to the right of the camera

Jeremy Cowart, prolific artist and photographer who has photographed everyone from Gwyneth Paltrow to Spike Lee, opened up his studio to normies like me for 90-second sessions.

After admiring his work for over a decade and interviewing him on the Hustle & Grace podcast, I knew if I had the chance to be photographed by him I would do it.

So in a whirlwind of an afternoon I swooped into his studio, stepped in front of his camera, and was done within minutes. 


  1. There are very few moments in life where it pays off to focus on your insecurities. I had one minute to relax and be a good subject for Jeremy. Thinking too much about myself wasn’t helpful.

  2. Do things out of your comfort zone from time to time. I did this shoot with Jeremy to kick off a creative business retreat. Doing something radically different from my typical Friday afternoon was a great way to shake my brain awake and look at things from a fresh perspective.

  3. Art, business, and new experiences are all better with friends. This photo shoot and 48-hour adventure were enriched because I did them along with my oldest friend Bonnie. Life is richer in community. Period.

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