Setting Goals for 2020

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Hilary shares her approach to setting 2020 goals and discusses the book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear.

Download the New Year's Goal Setting Workbook.

Hustle Hack: We are now 40+ episodes in on Hustle and Grace and if I could give you just ONE Hustle Hack that to me is the most important one of all, it is to take the time to reflect on your year, reflect on what you’ve achieved, and dream about what you want to achieve in the future. This is the time where you can be deliberate and think through what you want to create in your career and your life in the future. Carve out time to reflect and dream and plan. If you can, I would suggest taking a day to do this. In 2020 I plan to take four days throughout the year to reflect and plan. I call these HSL Creative Retreat Days or “Quarterly Zoom Outs.” It’s where once every three months I put work on pause. I live “zoomed in” on life. I’m right here in the middle of it. But every three months I zoom out. I survey life with a wide angle lens. I look at what’s going well, what needs to change, and I look at how I’ve changed. I want to encourage you to start your year by getting clear on where you want to go. To help with this grab the New Years Goal Setting Workbook

Moment of Grace: Today’s moment of grace is tied right into the Hustle Hack. It’s so easy to get hyper focused on the future during this time of year. We must achieve! We must set big goals! We must constantly be moving forward! But this time of year is also great for looking back, for reflecting. What can you learn from what happened last year? Take the time to celebrate those wins. Take the time to think through the lessons you’ve learned. And spend some time considering how you feel about all of it. What would you change if you could? Are you burnt out because you didn’t give yourself enough margin this year? What can you say ‘no’ to next year? What can you focus on that will give you the metaphorical, “biggest bang for your buck?” What has been depleting you? Take the time to answer these questions and reflect.