5 Tips to Get Your Dream Off the Ground

5 Steps to Get Your Dream Off the Ground

If 2021 is the year you are ready to launch your side hustle, your product, your project, your story, your cause, or your message, there are five things you need to do.

  1. Get clear on what your big goals are and work backward. What do you need to do this year? This half? This quarter? This month? This week? Today? 

  2. Assess your dream’s brand or your personal brand. What needs to change in order to best serve your goal? 

  3. After you’ve fleshed out a plan for your dream (business plan, manuscript, mission of your org, etc) then create a plan for finding your clients, customers, audience, or stakeholders. It’s time to build your platform. 

  4. Set some low-hanging fruit goals for the next 90 days that little by little will get you where you want to be. What can you control? 

  5. At 90 days assess, adjust, and keep going.

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