Six-Figure Low Stress Freelancing with Melanie Padgett Powers of The Deliberate Freelancer

Melanie Padgett Powers is the owner of MelEdits and lives in the Washington, DC, area. She is a freelance writer and editor, primarily for healthcare membership associations. She began her freelance business in October 2013. She has a journalism degree and was previously a newspaper reporter in her home state of Indiana. Melanie is also the creator and host of two podcasts: Deliberate Freelancer, which focuses on the business side of freelancing and has over 130 episodes, and her newest podcast, Association Station, which interviews membership association leaders about content and media.

Melanie Padgett Powers, freelancing expert, shares how she became a six-figure freelancer and how she moved from being an employee into owning her own business. She debunks the idea that to make a solid living as a business owner you have to work long hours. She also shares her approach to finding clients and networking as an introvert.