Spring Cleaning Your Inner World to Reduce Mental Overload

This 13-minute episode packs a punch delving into spring cleaning your inner world with tips to reduce mental overload. It prompts reflection on progress, adjustments needed, and implementing new strategies. Hilary also talks through tips for a digital detox and an easy way to tidy up quickly.

This episode is brought to you by Hustle & Grace Group Coaching. Applications are open through April 21, 2024. Learn more and apply here

On April 18, you're invited to a free virtual workshop called "Rejecting the Rat Race: a 30-minute roadmap to build a career, business, and life you love." Register free here.

  1. Review your goals. The first quarter of the year is behind us. ¾ to go. How has your progress tracked against your intentions? What needs to go? What needs to be adjusted? What needs to be implemented? 

  2. Review your time. Are you happy with how you’ve been spending your time? Reflect on what you want to start, stop, and continue. Review your relationships that are most important to you, does your calendar reflect that? 

  3. Schedule a social media break/digital detox. We have so much information overload. It’s so easy to compare and despair. At least once a year cut way down on your screen time. 

  4. Take a break from your vices. Got any bad habits? Commit to doing a 30-day fast from whatever that habit is. 

  5. Implement a gratitude practice. When you cut things out of your life, fill it with something beneficial instead. Maybe it’s a daily practice of reading the Bible or committing to 30 days of a gratitude practice–just writing some things you’re thankful for each evening before bed. 

  6. Look at your living space with fresh eyes. Is there clutter or a pile of stuff that you’ve stopped noticing because you’re so used to it sitting there? Put time on your calendar to address it. Will you use it? Sell it? Donate it?

  7. Implement a system for getting stuff out of your head. You can’t mentally keep up with all the things. When you think of something, write it down. I use the notes app on my phone to write down anything that pops into my head. I try to put it on a specific list for a specific day. I can always move it if it doesn’t ultimately work for that day.

Resources and Recommendations fro this episode: 

Time Tracking Worksheets with Laura Vanderkam

My favorite journal! 

Smart Pretty & Awkward on Substack