How to Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul (A Quickstart Guide to Personal Branding)

Is it possible to sell yourself without selling your soul? Absolutely. In this episode, Hilary discusses five tips to build a thoughtful personal brand that opens doors for professional growth. Grow your visibility and opportunities without feeding the beasts of narcissism or perfectionism paralysis. Here's how. 

  1. Determine your “why.”

  2. Provide value to your audience.

  3. Remember that your audience has Main 👏 Character 👏 Energy 👏!

  4. Don’t be afraid to celebrate.

  5. Remember you are (or you have) the solution to someone’s problem.

  6. Bonus: Don’t overthink it.

Learn more about Hustle & Grace Coaching

Building a StoryBrand 

How to Plan a Social Media Sabbatical 

Take the Career Motivation Quiz 

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